Featured - DJEMBE Series

Decorative Vessel

(Handwrought, Pierced and Patinated Heavy Gauge Copper)

“DJEMBE 1” Edition

(Approx 5.3” diameter x 6.3” high)

The sensibilities of pulse, rhythm, positive and negative space merged for me. In particular I was drawn to a home grown and personally cultivated sense of perception. Drawn to how we are attracted to something or someone or some idea. Drawn to how that attraction is given shelter in our eyes and ears, protected by our sparked (or renewed) energy. Drawn to how we filter the universal pulses associated with that particular perception or conception or revelation.

Drawn to the moral responsibilities that accompany the passion and sense of release that arise from that pulse of attraction.

Drawn to how we express our individual and collective culture(s).

In particular the visual pun of a heavy metal vessel suggesting to me a drum and rhythm drew me in, knowing of course that such a heavy metal vessel lacking a striking skin and, moreover, sporting pierced portals that open up the wall, could never make a sound. But it could suggest light / shadow and rhythm. And that was enough.

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